15 Crazy Things Car Mechanics Have Seen on the Job

Most grease monkeys have a story or two to tell. Here are the absolute craziest things grease monkeys have seen at work. Interest didn't slaughter this kitty At the point when Reddit giver, JDela13, saw the technician chipping away at his truck bounce back about a foot in amazement, he headed toward exploring. The exact opposite thing he expected to see was a little pair of eyes gazing back at him. A minor little cat was hanging out ready of the motor square. Fortunately, the creature was safe. Murmur most noticeably bad dream Quora benefactor, Mark Shaggy Wertheim, most likely wishes it was a little cat he found in the engine of the late model Nissan he was taking a shot at a business in Arizona. Rather, he was blessed to receive seeing a Western diamondback rattler bringing forth six infants. The client, who reprimanded herself for having abandoned her vehicle left for half a month while she was away on business, tipped Wertheim liberally. Who knew to be a technician ...